Selecting and buying Christmas Presents For Babies and toddlers can be a daunting task as there are a wide varieties of toys to choose from. It is difficult to find the right toys that babies enjoy, priced reasonably for the parents as well as safe for the child to play with.
Let us Look at Fisher Price Rain Forest Melodies & Lights Gym
FisherPrice Rainforest Melodies & Lights Gym
* Activity gym stimulates growing babies with music, lights, nature sounds, games, and textures
* 20 minutes of parent-activated continuous music; baby mode with 8 to 12 seconds of lights and music
* Floor quilt with silky borders and colorful arches
* Includes spinner with rattling beads, spinning butterflies, shiny mirror, crinkly leaf for peek-a-boo fun, and movable and stationary activity toys
* Gym measures 20 x 32.5 x 32.5"
Fisher Price Rain Forest Melodies & Lights Gym
SCROLL DOWN TO FisherPrice Rainforest Melodies & Lights Gym